2014 Grill Resolution


What is your grill resolution for 2014? Here are some of ours!

Alycia Sale: To try 2 new and different Weber recipes a month.

Brooke Jones:  I will venture outside of my comfort zone of grilling chicken, zucchini, and potatoes and enter the realm of tofu, eggplant, and squash.

Heather Herriges:  To use my charcoal grill 1 time per month.

Jeff Swearingen: To keep my grills clean and in top-notch condition.

Jennie Lussow:  To master the art of smoking brisket.

Kevin Kolman: To teach someone new to grill each month.

Mike Kempster: I will use my Gourmet Barbecue System to delight my family and friends with meals I haven’t served before.  

Mike Lang: To grill fish at least once a week...and beef three times!