Stay hydrated with these juicy choices on your summer grillFruits aren't just for juicing
Maybe you’re on a diet, or maybe it’s just too warm to eat a heavy slab of steak. If you’re looking for something lighter and more refreshing to put on the grill, here are fruits that not only taste great after they’ve been on the grill, they’re packed full of nutrients and water for that extra boost of summer hydration.

They’re great… because they’re 85 percent water, free of fat, sodium, and cholesterol.
We’re surprised… a medium-sized apple contains less than 100 calories!
Best grilled with… a sprinkle of cinnamon.

They’re great… when you’re dehydrated. Bananas are high in potassium—a mineral that is usually deficient when your body has lost too much water.
We’re surprised… in some countries, people eat banana peel—and it’s actually quite nutritious! Of course, they have to be cooked first as heat breaks down the skin’s fiber and ‘toughness’.
Best grilled with… a dollop of butter and sugar on a griddle.

They’re great… when you need drastic hydration boost. Watermelons are 92 percent water, and contain (besides Vitamin A, B6 and C) lycopene—an antioxidant.
We’re surprised… that there are over 1,200 types of watermelons, grown in 96 countries.
Best grilled with… direct medium heat.
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