
Grilled ‘Hard’ Lemonade

Laura Romeo - Weber Grill Master

Difficulty: easy
  • People

    Serves 20

  • Prep Time

    10 min.

  • Barbecue Time

    15 min.

  • Cooling Time

    45 min.


the Ingredients

Grilled Hard Lemonade
  • Completed step 8 lemons
  • Completed step 600 millilitres Gin or Vodka (optional)
  • Completed step 20 small sprigs of rosemary, to serve
  • Completed step Dehydrated lemon slices, to serve
  • Completed step Chilled soda water, to serve
  • Completed step Ice cubes, to serve

Lemon, Ginger and Bay Sugar Syrup

  • Completed step Rind from 4 lemons
  • Completed step 5 cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
  • Completed step 2 bay leaves
  • Completed step 500 grams sugar
  • Completed step 500 millilitres water


Summertime barbecues can be best enjoyed with an icy cold grilled lemonade. Grilling fresh lemon on the barbecue turns it from acidic and sour to sweet and refreshing with caramelised notes. Add some gin or vodka for an adults only version.
  • Prepare the barbecue for direct cooking over high heat (250°C-290°C).
  • Prepare the barbecue for direct cooking over high heat (250°C-290°C).
  • Prepare the charcoal barbecue for direct cooking over high heat (250°C-290°C).
  • Prepare your barbecue for direct cooking over high heat (290°C-315°C). If you are using a Weber Pulse™, preheat your barbecue with the lid closed and your control knob(s) on high for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the barbecue reaches 290°C.
  • Using a vegetable peeler, remove the rind from 4 lemons, avoiding the white pith. Cut the 8 lemons in half. Keep the rind aside for the syrup.
  • Once the barbecue has preheated, brush the cooking grills clean with a wire brush. Grill the lemons cut side down over direct high heat, with the lid closed, for 2 minutes or until deeply caramelised. Flip the lemons over and cook for a further 2 minutes. If any juice is bubbling out of the lemons, squeeze the juice into a jug. Continue to cook the lemons, rind side down, for a further 2 minutes or until just starting to soften. Remove the lemons from the barbecue and leave to cool.
  • Once the lemons have cooled, squeeze all the caramelised lemon juice into a jug. If desired, strain the lemon juice to remove the pulp. Refrigerate until required.
  • To make the sugar syrup; in a small Weber casserole dish, add all the syrup ingredients. On a barbecue side burner or stove top, bring to a gentle simmer over low heat and cook for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes the syrup should have reduced by approximately a third. Strain the solids and discard. Refrigerate the syrup for at least 30 minutes, or until chilled.
  • When you’re ready to assemble the cocktails, warm small sprigs of rosemary on the barbecue over direct medium heat, for 30 to 60 seconds, don’t allow the sprigs to colour too much, just enough for the aromas to release. Follow the below cocktail mix per serving into a short glass. Hard Grilled Lemonade: • 1 shot (30mL) lemon syrup • ½ shot (15mL) grilled lemon juice • 1 shot (30m) gin or vodka • Ice • Top with Soda Water • Add a dehydrated lemon slice and sprig of lightly grilled rosemary

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