
Griddled Steak and Chicken Fajitas Griddled Steak and Chicken Fajitas

Difficulty: easy
Fuel Type:
  • People

    Serves 6

  • Prep Time

    15 min.

  • Prep Time

    45 min.


the Ingredients

Fajitas Highforweberdotcom
  • Completed step 500 grams rump or flank steak, silver skin removed
  • Completed step 500 grams boneless, skinless chicken thighs
  • Completed step 4 grams vegetable oil, divided
  • Completed step 1 brown onion, thinly sliced 
  • Completed step 1 red capsicum, thinly sliced
  • Completed step 1 green capsicum, thinly sliced
  • Completed step 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • Completed step ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • Completed step 1 lime, plus extra for serving
  • Completed step 12 flour tortillas
  • Completed step Toppings such as sour cream, lime wedges, guacamole, and fresh coriander for serving


  • Completed step 1 tablespoon chilli powder 
  • Completed step 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • Completed step 2 teaspoons smoked paprika
  • Completed step 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • Completed step 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • Completed step 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • Completed step ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper


  • If using a 17” Weber Slate Griddle, prepare it for cooking using direct high heat (250°C-290°C) and preheat as directed. If using a 30” or 36” Weber Slate Griddle, prepare it for cooking using direct medium-high heat (210°C-250°C) and preheat as directed. Refer to Step 10 for information on Weber Slate Griddle settings.
  • Combine the rub ingredients in a small bowl and mix well.
  • Place the steak and chicken in separate bowls and season with the rub.
  • Once the griddle has preheated, scrape it clean with a scraper. Oil the griddle (approximately 2 tablespoons of olive oil) and spread it with the back of a spatula.
  • Place the steak and chicken onto one side of the griddle and cook for 5 minutes, undisturbed. Flip the steak and chicken and move it to the opposite side of the griddle. Cook until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 74°C and the steak is medium rare, 5–7 more minutes.
  • Once the steak and chicken has been flipped, add the vegetables to the left side of the griddle, where the meat was just seared. Season with salt and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until slightly caramelised and tender, about 4–6 minutes. Squeeze half of the lime over the vegetables and stir to combine.
  • Remove the steak, chicken, and vegetables from the griddle, allowing the meat to rest for 5 minutes.
  • While the steak and chicken are resting, evenly distribute the tortillas across the griddle and cook until warmed through. Wrap in a clean kitchen towel to keep warm.
  • Cut the steak in half lengthwise and then thinly slice the steak and chicken. Place the chicken, steak, and vegetables in warm tortillas with additional toppings and roll up to eat.
  • Slate Direct High And Direct Medium High

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