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Weber-Stephen Nordic Aps
Norwegian Transparency Act Statement
Weber Norge
Weber-Stephen Nordic Aps er et datterselskap av Weber-Stephen Products LLC, USA. Weber Norge er en del av en nordisk organisasjon med kontor i Sverige, Finland, Danmark og Norge. Weber Norge, med hovedkontor i Oslo, består av ni (9) fast ansatte.
Ledelsen i Weber Norge tar menneskerettigheter seriøst og har etablert en arbeidsgruppe som ivaretar prosessene rundt åpenhetsloven
Vårt morselskap respekterer ulike mennesker og kulturer og er forpliktet til å gjennomføre alle aspekter av sine internasjonale forretningsaktiviteter trygt og rettferdig og i samsvar med de høyeste standarder for forretningsetikk og alle gjeldende lover og forskrifter.
På tvers av våre globale forsynings- og distribusjonskjeder samtykker våre partnere (leverandører og underleverandører) i å operere under en Supplier Code of Conduct, som skisserer våre strenge kvalitets- og sosiale samsvarsstandarder. Vi jobber tett med leverandører og underleverandører for å kontinuerlig forbedre drift og praksis. Vi introduserte våre etiske retningslinjer for leverandører, Supplier Code of Conduct, i 2012, og oppdaterte de i 2023.
For å sikre samsvar og kontinuerlig bevege bransjen fremover, gjennomfører vi regelmessige besøk og revisjoner av leverandørene våre, og samarbeider med dem, når det er nødvendig, for å implementere endringer, eller forbedringer i driften.
Det er etablert et godt system for rapportering av bekymringsmeldinger i tilknytning til arbeidsforhold og menneskerettighetsbrudd, samt kontrollrutiner for etterlevelse av Supplier Code of Conduct.
Weber Norge har begrenset påvirkningskraft på arbeidsforhold utenfor Norge, men vil aktivt støtte opp under det gode arbeidet som gjøres internasjonalt, og kontinuerlig oppfordre vårt morselskap til å fortsette forbedringer av arbeidsforholdene og menneskerettighetene til de ansatte hos våre leverandører og underleverandører.
I tiden fremover vil Weber Norge, sammen med vårt morselskap, oppmuntre vår globale forsyningskjede til å følge Supplier Code of Conduct og implementere beste praksis knyttet til å beskytte og støtte menneskerettigheter.
Redegjørelsen nedenfor fra vårt amerikanske morselskap beskriver tiltakene som gjøres for å forbedre arbeidsforholdene knyttet til menneskerettigheter hos våre leverandører og underleverandører.
Our commitment
Weber is committed to uphold human rights and implement socially responsible sourcing practices.
Our operations
Weber sells WEBER® branded barbecue grills and related accessories to many retail customers worldwide. Many of these barbecue grills are assembled in the United States by Weber from globally sourced component parts. Weber adheres to stringent standards of United States law (including labor and employment law, workplace health and safety laws and environmental laws) in the assembly and/or manufacture of its finished goods.
International Code of Business and Ethics
With regard to finished goods sourced outside the United States, Weber has implemented, and its global affiliates adhere to, the highest internal ethical standards relative to its sourcing of WEBER® products. For instance, in December of 2011 Weber-Stephen Products LLC implemented an international Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which provides legal and ethical guidelines for all of its operations and employees, including its manufacturing operations. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics includes provisions prohibiting discrimination and harassment and requiring that all employees be treated with respect by one another and their superiors. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics also requires that at all times business be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and in a safe and healthy workplace for each employee. Employees are encouraged to report any actual or potential violations of the Code of Business Conducts and Ethics that they observe, so that any issues may be resolved quickly.
Global Supplier Code of Conduct
In addition to the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Weber has adopted a Supplier Code of Conduct (the “Code”) for its suppliers, a copy of which is attached for your reference. Compliance with the Code is mandatory for third party suppliers manufacturing WEBER® products; it is not an optional program. The Code covers a variety of subject matter areas instrumental to ensuring an ethical supply chain and is able to be audited against efficiently by Weber or a trusted third-party auditor. Any violations detected in the audit process are handled through the implementation of a corrective action plan, and continued compliance will be monitored. In addition to the audit process described above, Weber has a close relationship with each of its suppliers, including regular site visits and product audits, which further enables Weber to ensure ethical business operations of its suppliers. In consideration of the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the council on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (“EU Supply Chain Act”) as well as the new German Supply Chain Act, Weber has additionally updated its Code, particularly considering the regulations of the German Supply Chain Act already in force.
The update includes, in particular, the extension of our already established prohibitions on child labor, forced labor, slavery, freedom of association and unequal treatment as well as the inclusion of further prohibitions, especially of causing any harmful soil change, water and air pollution, harmful noise emission or excessive water consumption, of unlawful eviction and unlawful taking of land, forests and waters, of hiring certain security forces, of manufacturing and use of mercury and certain chemicals, of the non-environmentally sound management of waste and of the export and import of hazardous waste.
If you have any questions about this report, please contact
Carsten Ravn, CEO Weber Norway
email: cravn@weber.com