Serious Grills For Unserious Times


It’s inspiring to look at the calendars of my colleagues to see what’s brewing in the company.  The one word to sum up our schedules (and what goes on behind the scenes) is FUN

Weber® grills are synonymous with fun.  Yet the philosophy of every team member is SERIOUS.  We take our jobs very seriously and are deeply committed to our brand and our customers.  

This combination of fun and serious helped drive our marketing campaign for the 2014 season (one of our favorite projects)! 

When a customer opens a Weber package, they can feel the attention to detail that’s gone into the product and the enjoyment involved in creating it.  Our marketing campaign is no different…we obsessed about making it perfect, without compromising authenticity.  We wanted our customers to “feel” the heart and soul of the brand and our reason for existing.

We hope you love the message and theme for 2014.  It’s always exciting to pull back the curtain and give a sneak peek to what happens behind the logo. 

This year, we focused our campaign on what makes Weber different…

It’s about appreciating every last bite.  Slowing down, reconnecting, and grilling what you love (more frequently than just Saturday afternoons). 

It’s about inviting friends over, extending a family dinner well past dusk.  Opening your mind, backyard and heart to grilling new things, beyond just burgers. 

It’s about the moments that happen around every Weber grill across America (and the world for that matter)—the conversations, the impromptu karaoke, the bocce battle, the reminiscing, the water fights and the lazy afternoons. 

Weber makes a SERIOUS grill you can trust.  But we do that so you can enjoy the “unserious” moments that happen around great tasting food.  Only one grill is engineered above the rest to make the most of these casual, fun-filled moments. 

Weber® Serious Grills for Unserious Times. 

Check out our pictures from the commercial shoot in March.

Please share with us, your favorite “unserious” moments.  #unserioustimes