Slow grills for slow daysIndirect Grilling
The weather forecast for the month is peppered with gloomy rainclouds and you’re not taking chances with a picnic in the park, but having all the time in the world to kill—and with nothing to look forward to—is making you feel restless.
Here’s a suggestion: invite a couple of friends over for a cosy day indoors of good conversation, maybe a movie, and grilling up something delicious together. However, instead of the usual quick kebabs or steaks, try indirect grilling and attempt these recipes that you don’t usually have time for.

If you have… 12 hours
Slow goal: Brisket with hickory and cherry smoke
Serves: 12 friends
Weber says: This recipe requires a little bit of planning ahead, with curing starting 3 to 4 days before you pop the brisket on the grill. Deliciously smoky and moist, get this brisket started a few hours before your friends are due, or maybe even the night before so that it’s ready just in time for brunch.
GRILL FACT : Is smoking with chips or chunks better?

If you have… 150 minutes
Slow goal: Pork belly with mustard glaze
Serves: 4 friends
Weber says: You’ll need an extra 35 minutes in the kitchen to prepare the mustard glaze before you can head out to the grill. As the glaze contains sugar which burns easily, remember to keep an eye on your grill and don’t let it get too hot when cooking!

If you have… 90 minutes
Slow goal: Butterfly leg of lamb with a black cherry glaze
Serves: 4 friends
Weber says: While you only need to marinade it for about an hour, you can leave it for longer to get a stronger taste. Cooked at a low temperature of about 165°C, those who prefer their meat well done will want to leave this on the grill for an extra 20 minutes.
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