Score the fat of the pork belly with a sharp knife in a diamond pattern, keeping the cuts quite close together.
Place the pork belly, skin side down, on a cutting board and distribute the pork rub onto the meat, leaving the skin free from the rub.
Turn the pork belly and rub the skin with a generous amount of salt, this will help form a good crackling.
Prepare the barbecue for indirect heat, approx. 250°C. If using a 57cm charcoal barbecue, you will need ½-chimney starter of lit Weber briquettes.
Place the pork roast over indirect heat and let it roast for approx. 30 minutes.
Turn down the temperature to approx. 180°C and continue to roast the meat for another 30 minutes, or until the core temperature reaches 68- 70°C.
Take the pork belly off the barbecue and let it rest for 10 minutes before cutting it.
All of our recipes are created by our expert chefs at the Weber Grill Academy. View more inspirational recipes or book a course at the Grill Academy now.
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