Who can submit reviews on
Any visitor to our website can submit reviews of our products or services. A user account (Weber ID) is not necessary. To submit a review, any visitor of our website can click on the button "Write a review" on the respective product page or under the section “Reviews”, assign star ratings and write the review. When publishing a review via this function, the review is anonymous and does not contain the addition "verified buyer" or “verified rater”.
Who is a "verified buyer"?
We mark reviews from people who have purchased the product in our online store on with the addition "verified buyer". We ensure this by sending an email to the buyer containing a link to the product review approximately 10 days after the order is placed. This link refers either to the submission of a product review or a website review. The selection of which link is displayed in the email is random. Only if the buyer submits a review via this link, the review will be marked with the addition "verified buyer".
Who is a “verified rater”?
Every reviewer has the opportunity to confirm the email address provided with the submission of their review. After submitting a review, the reviewer receives a verification email. In case the email is confirmed, the review will be marked with the addition “verified rater”, ensuring that the review was submitted by a real person.
Do we publish all reviews?
We publish all positive and negative reviews equally on our website. The star rating displayed is calculated from the average of all reviews submitted. Regardless of the number of stars awarded, we use an automatic word filter that recognizes, for example, offensive or obscene language. In that case, we receive a message from the system by e-mail and check the review again manually.
In addition to the automatic word filter, we check each review manually before publishing it. Only if a review meets one of the following exclusion criteria, will it not be published:
- Review violates applicable law
- Review contains obscene or otherwise inappropriate language
- Review was submitted in a foreign language
- Review contains personal data/information
- Review does not refer to the rated product
- Review is obviously false/untrue or misleading
- Review is obviously not submitted by a real person
All other reviews that do not meet any exclusion criteria will be published on within a few days.
Reviews will be published at the latest 14 days after they have been submitted on the website.
In which order do we publish the reviews on our website?
Reviews containing photos or videos appear at the top of the review section, followed by reviews submitted by verified buyers and verified raters. The remaining reviews are published below those reviews depending on their rating date, whereas the ratings with the most stars are displayed first and according to the rating date, and ratings with the fewest stars appear at the bottom of the review section, also in the order of the rating date. The least influential criteria for the order in which the reviews are displayed is whether a review has been deemed helpful or not helpful by customers using the thumbs up or down button next to each review. Helpful reviews are displayed higher in the review order than non helpful reviews.
Are the ratings summarized if there are multiple product variants?
If a product is available in several variants, the ratings of all product variants are combined and appear as a summary with each product variant.