The story of Weber is one of innovation, curiosity and the drive to make a better barbecue for everybody. So, relax, grab a burger and travel back almost 70 years to the moment that ignited a barbecue revolution.

Born From a Buoy
It all started with a quest for a better steak. Back in the 1950s, brick fireplace barbecues were very popular, so a fellow by the name of George Stephen decided to build himself one. After he finished it, he invited his friends over for a barbecue. The steaks went up in flames. For George, the dinner was a disaster but it got him thinking — there had to be a better way.
The Original Grillmaster
Luckily, George’s day job was at Weber Brothers Metal Works where he spent his time welding half spheres together to make buoys. He knew his way around a metal shop and after the flop of the barbecue, it all clicked. He took one of the half spheres, put legs on it, punched holes in the bottom for air flow and put a lid on top. Voila, the iconic Weber kettle barbecue was born.
George’s first barbecue continued to evolve for years and Weber grew into the most trusted barbecue name in the industry. All because of a few burnt steaks and one man who was willing to discover what’s possible.

Stoking the Fire
A lot has happened on the way to becoming the go-to name and trusted brand in everything barbecue. Check out how we've reinvented the industry time, and time again with our gas, charcoal, wood pellet, electric, and smart barbecues.
The Next Generation
After all these years, we continue to evolve the barbecue experience in ways we never thought possible. Discover some of our latest innovations below.