Grill Academy - Top Tip
Tame the Flame
Tame the Flame
Tame the Flame
Need help taming the flame when cooking with charcoal?
Is there anything better than lamb cooked over charcoal? It’s certainly up there on our list of favourites.
But sometimes, things don’t go the way you planned. You’ve envisaged flavoursome charcoal smoke and gentle embers grilling your lamb chops to perfection… but you’ve ended up with a flare up that’s singed your arm hairs! We’ve been there…

Fatty chops, steaks and sausages can cause flare ups, but our Grill Expert, Adam, has shared his top tips to help ‘tame the flame’ when cooking over charcoal.
Trim excess fat from your meat
A bit of fat adds flavour, but too much fat equals flare ups!
Always cook with the lid down
Fire needs oxygen. Closing the lid of your barbecue helps to reduce the amount of oxygen available to feed the flames.
Make sure your charcoal is completely white-ashed over
If your charcoal is still black in places, it’s still heating up and can result in hot spots that fuel flare ups with fatty foods. So, ensure it’s white-ashed over before adding your meat.
Remember, despite best efforts, flare ups can still happen!
Always have a ‘safe zone’ on your barbecue (and area with no fuel directly under the cooking grill), so that you can move food away from the charcoal if needed and return it once the flame has settled.
The team at the Weber Grill Academy love helping guests achieve the best possible barbecue results at home, and they’re full of helpful tips that will help to improve your barbecue game.
We can’t wait to see you at the Weber Grill Academy. See our Barbecue Classes here.